Citas ziņas sadaļā
Ekonomists Andris Miglavs: "Latvija ir pazaudējusi vēl divus ekonomikas attīstības gadus"
Zemkopības sistēmas elementi vērtības, izvēles un risinājumi
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Modelēšanas rīks zemkopības sistēmas risinājumu izvēlei. Struktūra un metodoloģija
Slāpekļa aprites novērtēšana zemkopības sistēmās
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Pētnieku atziņas par sojas audzēšanas nosacījumiem Latvijā
RunājumiUse of Rural Resources Challenge for Rural DevelopmentAndris Miglavs, Latvijas Valsts agrārās ekonomikas institūts (LVAEI)
20.09.2007 Šis ir runājums NJF seminārā Effective use of rural resources, Jelgavā, 2007.gada 20.septembrī Lasāmā PDF formātā pievienots pielikumā. Pievienotie dokumentiBilžrāde PDF
Use of Rural Resources – Challenge for Rural Development Andris Miglavs, Head of Department for Agriculture Development and Economic relations Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics (LSIAE) 14 Struktoru street, Riga, LV-1039, Latvia, What the economics are in general? It’s a science, looking for maximisation of people “wellfeeling” within the environment of limited resource Double aspects of economics: Physical transformation of the factors into the product efficiency of factor allocation – linkage to product valuation Social recognition and economic valuation of society demands and interests, also intentions at present and in the future adjusting the demand to the resorces predicting the future Countryside – what do we expect from ? Rural people – good environment for prosperous living infrastructure natural environment sustainable income Society already recognised (and paid) source of agri- land related resources food and fibre wood recreation area for future recognition territory management sustainable climate and environment renewable resources Countryside - resources available Biological plants and their products Human people living an providing labour resource historical knowledge Territory area for location of activities living business recreation “industrial” Countryside – where to develop? Undestanding .... the resources provided research – renewables energy raw for chemical and other non agri-industries environmental chains and linkages green production vs conventional preservation vs activity public marketing presentation barganing for price and way of payment private market vs public payments behaviour of economic processes where the shortages of private market operation are? Countryside – where to develop? .... policy development research to get an understanding human resource development to be flexible territory infrastructure development to provide area for development of human activities recognised sustainable use of natural resources to provide market environment for long term developments business activity development to develop business activities in rural areas social support to compensate shortages in public and social service availability |