Citas ziņas sadaļā
Evaluation of Environmental and Economic Performance of Crop Production in Relation to Crop Rotation, Catch Crops, and Tillage
Assessment of carbon dioxide emissions from different tillage systems
Sojas šķirņu un audzēšanas tehnoloģiju ekonomiskās efektivitātes novērtējums uz eksperimentālās izpētes pamata
Shrinking governance. Economical aspects in Latvian case
Improving of Small Farm Market Capability in Latvia
The Role of Agribusiness in Maintenance of Future Rural Employment in Latvia
Competitiveness of Latvian Agri-business in Regional Context
Iedzīvotāju labklājības attīstība kā tirgus ietilpības prognozēšanas faktors (uz Latvijas stādu tirgus piemēra)
Economic Analysis of the Value Adding Chain in Milk sector
Different CAP support systems - evaluation of the impact on supply of agricultural products
Zin.publikācijasEfficiency analysis of agricultural sector in Latvia compared to other EU countries, based on FADN dataArmands Vēveris, Ieva Leimane, Agnese Krieviņa, Latvijas Valsts agrārās ekonomikas institūts (LVAEI)
30.01.2007 Pievienotie dokumentiRaksta manuskripta PDF fails
Armands Vēveris, Latvia State Institute of Agrarian Economics, Researcher Ieva Leimane, Mgr. soc.sci., Latvia State Institute of Agrarian Economics, Researcher, Project Leader Agnese Krieviņa, Mgr. soc.sci ., Latvia State Institute of Agrarian Economics, Economist SummaryIn the conditions of the EU single market of commodities, services and labour the matter of production competitiveness in the European scale is very important also for Latvian agriculture. It is essential that Latvian farmers could ensure efficient production at sufficiently law cost level. The objective of the research performed was to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of Latvian agriculture in terms of their cost structure, by analysing the economic information of agricultural holdings, using FADN standard results. The research was performed mainly using the methods of statistical analysis and logically constructive analysis. The analysis enables the assessment of the efficiency of agricultural production in Latvia currently, as well as ensures the awareness about the opportunities for the increasing of production efficiency. When comparing the cost level in Latvia and in 14 selected EU countries, Latvia has one of the highest level of intermediate consumption, while the most crucial is low level of general production efficiency, measured as value added per work unit (AWU). This indicates that there is a lack of modern technologies, which presumes also higher labour productivity. In the light of comparatively lower labour remuneration and land use costs which ensured the production with smaller necessary capital intensity, agricultural production in Latvia has been competitive in the first years after joining the EU. But due to the envisaged increase in these costs the competitiveness could be lost in next 2-3 years. In order to avoid this, the efficient use of the resources becomes crucial. Key words: efficiency of agricultural production, revenues, costs, the value added, economic size, subsidies. |