
09.08.2023.Evaluation of Environmental and Economic Performance of Crop Production in Relation to Crop Rotation, Catch Crops, and Tillage

27.05.2021.Assessment of carbon dioxide emissions from different tillage systems

07.05.2021.Sojas šķirņu un audzēšanas tehnoloģiju ekonomiskās efektivitātes novērtējums uz eksperimentālās izpētes pamata

26.08.2019.Shrinking governance. Economical aspects in Latvian case

20.02.2014.Improving of Small Farm Market Capability in Latvia

06.02.2013.The Role of Agribusiness in Maintenance of Future Rural Employment in Latvia

30.03.2012.Competitiveness of Latvian Agri-business in Regional Context

25.04.2008.Iedzīvotāju labklājības attīstība kā tirgus ietilpības prognozēšanas faktors (uz Latvijas stādu tirgus piemēra)

27.04.2007.Economic Analysis of the Value Adding Chain in Milk sector

25.04.2007.Different CAP support systems - evaluation of the impact on supply of agricultural products

30.01.2007.Efficiency analysis of agricultural sector in Latvia compared to other EU countries, based on FADN data

22.04.2004.The structural changes in Latvian agricultural sector after application of CAP reform

07.07.2003.EU Enlargement and CAP Reform: Modelling and Information Availability

10.01.2003.Development of Agricultural Market and Trade Policies in the CEE Candidate Countries

27.02.2001.Valsts kā konkurētspējas faktora ietekmes novērtēšana. Latvijas lauksaimniecības piemērs

01.02.1999.Industrial organisation of the Food Industry in Latvia: Results of an Expert Survey in the Dairy and Milling Branches. 1999

25.08.1998.Restructuring The Latvian Food Industry: Problems and Perspectives. 1998

02.03.1998.Food Processing Sector in Latvia - Development During Recent Years

10.02.1997.Understanding the Process of Decollectivization and Agricultural Privatisation in Transition Economies: The Distribution of Collective and State Farm Assets in Latvia and Lithuania

27.07.1994.Privatisation and restructuring of agricultural and rural sector in Latvia

27.05.1994.Situation and Main Problems in Agricultural Service System in Latvia

24.05.1994.Changing ownership and the system of property rights in Latvia: restitution and privatization - legal, economical and political issues

21.04.1994.Economics and policy issues in agricultural reforms in Latvia

10.10.1993.The Development of Privatization in Latvian Agriculture

31.05.1993.Course of Development of Privatization of Join-stock and Limited Liability Companies in 1992

31.05.1993.Prognosis of Demand, Output and Supply of Foodstufs and Raw Amaterials for Industry

31.05.1993.Grain Market in Latvia

31.05.1993.The Principles of Agrarian Policy in Latvia: Searching for Our Own Way

10.09.1992.Changing Ownership in Latvia through Agrarian Reform

28.05.1992.The Government's Role in Determinig Prices, Taxes and Credits for Individual Farms

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