Citas ziņas sadaļā
Evaluation of Environmental and Economic Performance of Crop Production in Relation to Crop Rotation, Catch Crops, and Tillage
Assessment of carbon dioxide emissions from different tillage systems
Sojas šķirņu un audzēšanas tehnoloģiju ekonomiskās efektivitātes novērtējums uz eksperimentālās izpētes pamata
Shrinking governance. Economical aspects in Latvian case
Improving of Small Farm Market Capability in Latvia
The Role of Agribusiness in Maintenance of Future Rural Employment in Latvia
Competitiveness of Latvian Agri-business in Regional Context
Iedzīvotāju labklājības attīstība kā tirgus ietilpības prognozēšanas faktors (uz Latvijas stādu tirgus piemēra)
Economic Analysis of the Value Adding Chain in Milk sector
Different CAP support systems - evaluation of the impact on supply of agricultural products
Zin.publikācijas![]() Grain Market in LatviaInesis Feiferis, Latvijas Valsts agrārās ekonomikas institūts (LVAEI)
31.05.1993 Andris Miglavs report in Finnish-Baltic Joint Seminar, Saku, Estonia, published in 'Agricultural Development Problems and Possibilities in Baltic Countries in the Future' (1993) Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Finnland, ISBN 952-9538-35-9, ISSN 0788-5393, pages 67-71 Oriģinālajā salikumā lasāms PDF fails pielikumā GRAIN MARKET IN LATVIA 1 Situation in Grain Market Before ReorganizationTill 1992 from the 2 million tons of grain annually consumed in Latvia only 15-20% were produced by agricultural enterprises and marketed, in most cases, to the state (in approximately egual shares as food grain and feed grain); about half was consumed locally at the agricultural enterprises as feed; the rest 40-50% of grain was imported.
Figure 1. Grain consumption in Latvia according to source.
Figure 2. Producer price for grain in Latvia, in the world, in the neighbouring countries.
2 The Basic Goals of the Reorganization of the Grain |